Nestled in the hills of Eskdale, just 15 miles from Lockerbie, was the first ever Tibetan Buddhist temple established in the West.
It's an expected and interesting place to visit, which anyone can visit and explore. There are extensive grounds and gardens (as the Centre aims to be as self-sufficient as possible) where you can stroll around and look at the intricate temples. There is also a wee cafe and a shop with interesting and hand made items.
How to get there: 15 miles from Lockerbie, postcode: DG13 or put "Eskdalemuir" in your satnav. When you enter the village I think there are brown signs pointing the way into the car park, if not you will see a massive Buddhist temple from the road. You can't miss it.
Fun fact: Prayer wheels, like those shown in the picture above, have been used in Tibet since the fourth century. They are used to accumulate wisdom and merit to purify negatives. They are usually spun around clockwise and this is the direction you walk around the structure, spinning the prayer wheels as you go.
If you are interested in spirituality you can also attend various retreats at the centre, more information can be found on their website here.
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